Those who missed out on a round may still enter at a cost of €5 and play at any time up to Thursday evening of the following week. Participants may also re-enter for €3 if they feel they can better their previous score, again till Thursday of the following week.
Holiday Card: To compensate for holidays, a player may enter a score card in the week prior to or after holidays for the week(s) missed. One score card is allowed for each week of the holidays and the card must be marked “Holiday Card” before you play.
Note: No TGIF this week
TGIF resumes on 11th July
Qualifying Rules. On completion of week 10 the top 10 players qualify for the final playoff. There is then an extra week (Week 11), when those who did not qualify in the previous 10 weeks, get a final opportunity to do so. The top 2 finishers on week 11 will also enter the playoffs, with those already qualified, for a chance to win the top prize.