Monday to Friday………….€35

Weekend & B/Holidays …………  €40

Green Fee With Member

€30 Weekdays

€35 Weekends

Note: Please contact the club to get green fee plus food special offers (0564441139)

Buggy Hire…€25 for members.  €30 for visitors. Any member requiring a buggy who submits a medical cert to office can avail of a buggy at the reduced price of €12.50

Pull Cart Hire….€3 (payable with coins at dispenser at back door)

 Society Rates:  Midweek €30, Weekends €35

Please write your name in Green Fee Book on Counter….. Put Green Fee and Buggy Money in Green Fee Envelope Provided with your name, date and amount.  Place the envelope in the Slot on Left of Counter.



 To book a tee time click here

For Society golf click here

Open singles  every Thursday click here to book 




Book  a Tee Time Online Here